Monday, August 11, 2008
Task 1: Collecting all the pieces.
Task 2: To the newspaper stand!
- Print your articles.
- Exchange with someone else in your group.
- No one should have his or her own paper.
- Proofread the article using the proofreading marks you learned in English class with Ms. C.
- Show it to the production manager for his or her approval.
- Edit your article and save.
Task 2: Historic Photo Hunt.
- Now that you’ve got your articles written, it’s time to find some illustrations to go with them.
- Using GoogleImages, find a suitable illustration for your article.
- Remember, you must have a good reason for choosing that particular image.
- When you find the image that you want, explain to your Photo Editor why you chose that particular image. The Photo Editor will record your reason in Mr. Matthew’s Illustration Log.
- Copy and paste the image into your article and write a caption.
- Remember: the caption needs to explain the image and why it is in your article.
Task3: Final Touches.
- Download a printable map and mark down the borders of your empire.
- Go to PuzzleMaker and create a crossword puzzle using vocabulary that is specific to understanding your empire.
- Watch the interactive map below.
- Do you see the Byzantine and Islamic Empires on the map?
- After viewing the map and conducting your research, what kind of conflicts do you think these two empires might have had?
- Record your answers in your History Journal.
- Click HERE to print out the article planning sheets below.
After all the fantastic research you conducted yesterday, you and your group are ready to begin planning your articles.
- Use the information you found in your research and the planning sheets to prepare your article.
- If you have difficulty, ask your group members for help.
- Remember: Mr. Matthew will answer questions only after you ask your group members first, and then only from the Editor-in-Chief.
Task 3: Writing your articles.
Now it's show time! You've done your research. You've planned your articles. Now it's time to write your articles.
Open the word processing program that you like better, either Word or Pages.Write your article.- Remember to be professional: use only Times New Roman, Arial, or Georgia fonts; 12 pt.
- Save your file as "YourNameGroup#ClassLetter." AND SAVE OFTEN!
Task 1: Let the research begin . . .
- Below you will find websites to conduct your research. Feel free to use any and all of these sites, others you find on your way, or any texts Mr. Matthew has in his room.
- Remember what we learned about reliable resources from our Ancient Civilizations project. Not all websites have content that is accurate. This includes Wikipedia. If you are not sure, ask your group members and Mr. Matthew.
- Print out the graphic organizer for the topic you are researching and record your notes there.
- Remember: cause and effect are sometimes the most difficult, but they are always the most important. Don’t leave those out.
Resources for Byzantine Empire
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Special Exhibit
Byzantine Studies on the Internet: Fordham University (primary sources)
Resources for Islamic Empire
Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS)
Graphic Organizers
Alright, young historians. Let the research begin . . .
Task 1: Video Visits.
You all have been divided into groups according to your choices. I want you to:
- Visit the YouTube video about your empire.
- By yourself: What impressed you most about this empire?
- With your group: What would it have been like to be a visitor to this empire? How would you feel?
- Discuss these questions with your group. Be prepared to share with the class.
Byzantine Video
Islamic Empire Video
Task 2: Role Time.
Just like every other newspaper, from the New York Times to the New York Post, each group member will have a different job.
- Read the descriptions of jobs Mr. Matthew has passed out.
- Think about what your strengths are.
- Discuss with your group who will take what job.
- Record the job assignments in the sign-up sheet that Mr. Matthew is carrying.
Task 3: Department Assignments.
Next, each of you is responsible for writing one article on a particular topic. With your group:
- View the article menu below.
- Decide who will cover what department assignment.
- Record these department assignments in the second sign-up sheet that Mr. Matthew is carrying.
1. Important Events 2. Art and Architecture 3. Science and Technology 4. Famous People
Before we begin, let’s have a look at look at some artifacts from each of these empires. Then you will have a better idea of which empire you would like to study.
- Find a partner.
- Visit each of these locations.
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Byzantine Empire
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Islamic site- With your partner, choose two artifacts from each empire.
- Describe the artifact. Record your answers in your History Journal.
- What does it look like? (Color, shape, size, texture.)
- What do you think it was used for? Where would it be placed? What can it tell you about the empire?
- Remember the work we did with ancient artifacts from Mesopotamia and Egypt. You will use the same skills here.
Task 2: Reading
- Find a different partner.
- Complete a popcorn reading for each of the short texts I have provided you. These are from our Longman History text.
- For each text write down in your History Journal:
- One interesting fact.
- One question you have.
Task 3: Choosing your empire. (This one you have to do by yourself.)
Now that you’ve had a chance to preview these two Great Empires you can choose one to research.
- Go to the survey website and answer the questions.
- Answer these questions by yourself. (Don’t worry about what your friend is choosing.)
Mr. Michael needs the Global Studies team to travel back in time to report on some of the Great Empires of the world. One of the reasons these empires were so great is that they made lasting changes in the world, almost like gifts to civilization. We call these things contributions. One way they were able to change the world is through sharing ideas, products, and other aspects of culture with many different people. We call this cultural diffusion. For example, did you know that Italians eat pasta because Marco Polo brought it back with him from China?
Your Mission
You and your newspaper team must travel back in time and learn all about either the Byzantine Empire or the Islamic Empire. Your team of journalists then will write and publish a newspaper with all the information that you have gathered on your trip, and share it with all the other teams.
To help you out, being the fantastic teacher I am, I have broken down the assignment for you all . . .
- Research the different events, people, and contributions that are most important to your empire.
Part II: Article Writing
- Use the information that you have gathered to write a rough draft of your article.
- Decide on an illustration to include with your article.
- Revise your article to make it the best example of your writing.
- Publish the final draft of your article.
Part III: Publication
- Combine all your articles into the different sections of your newspaper.
- Include maps.
- Include crossword with essential vocabulary.
- Share your newspaper with the other teams.
- Learn about what the other teams have reported about their empires.